Lily Challenge – Week 1


 One week down in the Lily Challenge!  In case you missed my previous blog, the short and sweet version is that I’m taking pictures of Lily every day this month and posting one per day on my Facebook page and then adding them to my blog once a week.  Working on discipline.  Who knows…after this, maybe I’ll start going to bed at a decent time on a regular basis.  I wouldn’t hold my breath though…

Anyway, here are all the images from Week 1 along with a brief backstory on each.  Enjoy!

Be sure to check back next week for a whole new set of photos!!


 Day 1: "Breakfast" – I figured there’s no better way to start the day or a challenge than with breakfast. I had a few shots where I attempted to feed her with one hand and take a picture with the other. Let’s just say that didn’t work out well.



Day 2: "The Sneeze" – I had just finished getting Lily dressed for the day and wanted to capture a picture of her in the nursery. I decided just to let her sit on the changing table to see what she would do. She played with the humidifier, attempted to open the drawer and squealed a few times. Then I noticed she was about to sneeze and snapped the series below. This is my favorite from this week. 



Day 3: "Riding" – As I was getting Lily ready to go to her grandparents for the day, she refused to put down her book, so we took it with us. I picked this image because I love how it looks like she’s showing me her book. The mirror is how I see her when we’re riding in the truck, so I thought it was important to capture this perspective. 



Day 4: "Supervising" – A good friend recently offered me some firewood. The day George and I went to pick it up, Lily came along. She slept most of the time, but woke up toward the end of loading the wood. I took her out of her car seat and stood her in the back seat so she could watch us.



Day 5: "The Lesson" – So this is one of those pictures, especially with the title I gave it, that is a bit of a stretch. Lily sat there for about the 1/40 of a second the exposure took and then she was doing everything she could to squirm away from Dorothy so she could get back to crawling around.  



Day 6: "Waking Up" – Following one of Lily’s afternoon naps, I snapped this shot while she was still lying in her crib. We always know when she had a good nap because she wakes up happy. She was happy this day. 



Day 7: "Friends" – Our good friends Jeff and Elise, along with their son Ben, were in town for the weekend. Right after church, I snapped a few quick pics of Ben and Lily playing together in the sanctuary. I think this was the only one where they were both looking at me. 




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